Tuesday, July 29, 2008

We leave a week from today!

Hello all, and welcome to the first post of our travel blog!

We plan to update this whenever we can with our experiences in Aregntina, Chile, and Uruguay. We leave a week from today (Monday, August 4) and return September 16.

Brief outline of our 6 weeks there:
week one:
3 days in Buenos Aires , boat to Sacramento, Uruguay across the bay, boat to the Uruguay capital (Montevideo), boat back to Buenos Aires,

week two:
Bus 24 hours west to Parque Provincial Aconcagua, just before chile: towns of Mendoza, Cachueta, Uspallata, Polvaredas, Punta de Vacas. There are hot springs, hostels, Aconcagua (6900m, 22,600 feet, highest mountain outside of Himalayas), little ski resorts for downhill and XC skiing. Bus to Santiago over the Andes is a spectacular road. Visit Santiago

week 3-4:
Travel by train and bus south to the Lakes district of Chile near towns of Temuco, Valdivia, Osorno, Puerto Montt. The coast on one side and a bunch of national and regional parks and lakes in the Andean foothills. "The Switzerland of the Andes". Rent a car?

Week 4-5:
East into the Argentine lake district, including towns of Bariloche (mountain train), El Bolson and Esquel (volcano erupted and evacuated that town). There are 8 national and regional parks in this area. The 11-lakes drive is not to be missed - Rent a car. Find a nice spot for a week.

Week 6: Head north by bus or plane back to Buenos Aires by sept 15.

Note from Dad:
Thus we are mostly in the northern third of the region called Patagonia, the cruise ships have stopped going around the tip because it is winter, the southern areas are probably too cold and dreary to go to now, like Fitz Roy, Puerto Natales, Tierra del Fuego, you only go there in their summers, we are going late winter/early spring.

Today we started packing and went to Dr. Bob Young to get some immunizations for the trip. Packin' light, because everything we bring we have to carry on our backs.

Totally stoked for the trip! :D Any suggestions? Comments? Advice? Let us know!

Amber and Kevin

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey amber i hope youre having an INCREDIBLE time in south america. update us on how youre doing and be safe! Miss you lots and lots.